Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shower Time!

I am officially 30 weeks...and have a huge belly! I can't believe that we are here in the 3rd trimester. In 10 weeks (or less hopefully) we will be brand new parents! Tomorrow is the start of my showers. The Brink Family is having a shower for me, hosted by the married cousins and it is at Leann's house. For some reason this makes things even more real for me... I opened presents at Christmas for Baby Draisma, but showers mean the end is near and I think I am finally realizing it! This whole month is going to be getting ready for baby. I have 3 showers planned and all are this month. I plan to have Chad (the painter) come over to paint the nursery and while he is at it, we are having the whole basement done too. I may be in the nesting phase :) we are also replacing the kitchen and laundry room floor and have been shopping for new furniture for the living room. I figure that I will be home a lot more in the next few months and now is the time to get all the busy work done. I also have started going to the doc every 2 weeks now, and I have one more ultrasound planned. This last ultrasound is to decide (finally) if this baby is coming by C-section or not. My placenta is uncooperative and is the deciding factor for if it is safe to deliver vaginally or not...
Oh and to keep everyone updated - Mike is 95.5% sure that this is a little girl and says we can even paint the room pink! :) New dad's with premonitions - it is kinda scary. I think we will be safe and paint neutral colors. Mike is all about neutral colors anyway. At Christmas his grandma was holding Baby Addisyn Huizenga who was wearing a beautiful black and pink dress (very girly) she told Mike that cute clothes are the reason we need to find out what we are having. That way she can buy girl clothes...or boys. Mike told her to buy it in green, then it would work for boy or girl. So if this baby happens to be a boy, I will have a stylish little boy wearing a green dress...

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